Los tiempos cambian, los paradigmas cambian, el intercambio de información cambia. El intercambio global y libre ha dejado de ser una utopía. / Times changes, paradigms changes, the exchange of information changes. The global free exchange has stopped being a utopia.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Jackson Mac Low / Doings (2006)

Jackson Mac Low's art returns us to something like the stance of an earlier avant-garde (Russian Futurism, Dada, etc.) for which artistic, spiritual & political renewals were all part of a single impulse. In no contemporary does it show through as clearly, movingly, this vision of experimental/language-centered art as social action… Mac Low, who [was] one of our true inventors, create[d] new modes & [brought] us back to the oldest possibilities of sound & language as they enter poetry & music & performance.

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