Los tiempos cambian, los paradigmas cambian, el intercambio de información cambia. El intercambio global y libre ha dejado de ser una utopía. / Times changes, paradigms changes, the exchange of information changes. The global free exchange has stopped being a utopia.

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

A.V. - Fluxuations (2003)

Arte sonoro de los miembros del Fluxlist. / Audio art by members of fluxlist.


anonymous - fanfare
john.m.bennett - the
interlude - for.jronsen@eudoramail.com 
alan.bowman - eurovpound
interlude - for.owen_smith@umit.maine.edu 
brad.brace - sweatheart
interlude - for.jennifersheldon214@hotmail.com 
alex.v.cook - fluxus.blues
interlude - for memexikon@mwt.net
alan.bowman - europoundmix
interlude - for.dboyd56@hotmail.com 
brekekekexkoaxkoax - a.Lift
interlude - for.roger@pzone.freeserve.co.uk.#2 
alan.bowman - fffoflm57c
interlude - for.nbburr44@msn.com 
anne.drogyness - no.answer
interlude - for.bennett.23@osu.edu 
walter.cianciusi - Music_of_a_Cd_Player_Conductor_No.1
miekal.and - peaceprayer
interlude - for.roger@pzone.freeserve.co.uk.#1 
rod.stasick - JotoahSRI17
interlude - for.datastar@laplaza.org 
roger.stevens - wreckage.of.hegel
interlude - for.badgergirl@earthlink.net 
alan.bowman - sentence
interlude - for.headless@feemail.it 
id.m.theft.able - sphoeeam (edit 1)
don.boyd - sounds
john.m.bennett - be.blank
interlude - for.georg@birkner.org 
walter.cianciusi - Music_of_a_Cd_Player_Conductor_No.2
sol.nte - 2steppe
interlude - for nick.potter@worley.com.au 
d.b.chirot - zero.poem
interlude - for.bbrace@eskimo.com 
sol.nte - fluxus
touchon - massurrealist.meditation.17
roger.stevens - butler.big.day
miekal.and - child.of.cactus
dizzy.bird - ismist.manifesto

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