Los tiempos cambian, los paradigmas cambian, el intercambio de información cambia. El intercambio global y libre ha dejado de ser una utopía. / Times changes, paradigms changes, the exchange of information changes. The global free exchange has stopped being a utopia.

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Poesía sonora internacional - compilación de Henri Chopin (1979)

Libro escrito por Henri Chopin en 1979, que incluía dos cassettes con una selección realizada por él.

Book written by Henri Chopin in 1979, which included two cassettes with a selection made by him.

descargar / download 1      descargar / download 2

Casette 1

Lado I:
Michel Seuphor: "Tout en Roulant les RR" (1926) et "Discours Politique" (1961). France [sound 3'46'']
François Dufrêne: "Les Joyeux Sisyphe II" (1979). France [sound 6'35'']
Bernard Heidsieck: "Démocratie" (1977-78). France [sound 6'53'']
Henri Chopin: "Le Parlament Européen" (1971). France [sound 3'36'']
Paul de Vree: "Magdalena, Appassionata, Lettervrouw" (1956, 1956, 1960). Belgique [sound 3'25'']
Ladislav Novak: "Deux poémes onomatopées" (1961, 1962). Tchécoslovaquie [sound 3'18'']

Lado II:
Brion Gysin: "Junk is no good baby" (1960) U.S.A. [sound 2'04'']
Franz Mon: "Ja-Nein.Parabel" (1971/78). Allemagne [sound 3'48'']
Gerhard Rühm : "Spricht 'über' Auditive Poesie" (Lautdichtung) (1977). Autriche. [sound5'15'']
Ernst Jandl: "Vom Lautgedicht" (1977). Autriche [sound 5'10'']
Arrigo Lora-Totino: "Smoke Words' for H. Chopin" (1978). Italie [sound 5'25''] 
John Giorno : "Raspberry". Extraits. (1976). U.S.A. [sound 4'00'']
Sten Hanson: "The Glorious Desertion" (1969). Suéde [sound 2'51'']

Casette 2

Lado I:
Ilmar Laaban : "I Revolutionens snö" (1975). Suéde [sound 2'51'']
Tom Leonard : (Text by Kierkegaard) (1978). Ecosse [sound 2'51'']
Lily Greenham : "Seven Consonants in space" (1975). Dannemark/Grande-Bretagne [sound2'51''] 
John Cousins : "YgudUh" (1975). nouvelle-Zélande [sound 2'51'']
Toby Lurie : "Father of our thoughts" (1976). U.S.A. [sound 2'51'']
Larry Wendt : "From frogs" (1978). U.S.A. [sound 2'51'']
Steve Ruppenthal : "Kakao-Poetic Lippudenies of the Ungumptious" (text derived from 'Ulysses' by J. Joyce), (1975). U.S.A. [sound 2'51'']

Lado II:
Steve McCaffery: "A Little Valetine" (1978). Canada [sound 2'51'']
Leo Kupper : "Innominé II" (1976). Belgique [sound 2'51''] 
Francoise Barriere : "Rittratto de Giovane". Extraits. (1973-74). France [sound 2'51'']
Christian Adrien Clozier : "La Petite Cérémonie" (1970). France [sound 2'51'']
Denis Chopin : "Cantate pour 200 escargots sourds et muets" (1976). France/Grande-Bretagne [sound 2'51'']

Hugh Davies : "Deux ressorts fort ambitieux qui ont envie d'être poétes sonores" (1979). Grande-Bretagne [sound 2'51'']

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